Creating Pagination for the Blog
Disclaimer: This post is for the first version of my blog and is no longer relevant to this Astro-based version you are now reading.
Getting Back to It
After a long break due to big life events, I’m finally back! I’ve been itching to get back in to developing this site and finally found some time in my off hours to add pagination to the post listings. This being my 8th post, the home page was starting to get a little long and cumbersome.
The Plan
I took a few minutes to analyze the steps I would need to take. I knew that with Gatsby being static, I would need to generate all of the pages to list out posts at build time. This was the same thing I did for generating the “tag” pages, so I looked back at what I had done there, and came up with this:
- Add a template file, copy most of the code from
(where I was currently listing out all posts) - Change the GraphQL query to accept skip and limit params, to show a limited view of posts
- Create a hook method in
to generate these pages - Pick an arbitrary page size, do math for the skip/limit params, and pass them through
so that the template file could create its query - Delete the
file and create a route to/
for page 1 of this listing, to reduce duplication
Creating the Template File
Fortunately, I was able to copy and paste the index.tsx
file into a new template file, and things were working pretty instantly. I only had to change a few things - I needed to reference pageContext
within the React code, and had to update my GraphQL query to add in the skip/limit commands. I used the GraphiQL to make sure my query was working, and it ended up being pretty straightforward:
query BlogPostsList($skip: Int, $limit: Int) {
site {
siteMetadata {
sort: { fields: [frontmatter___date], order: DESC }
skip: $skip
limit: $limit
) {
nodes {
fields {
frontmatter {
date(formatString: "MMMM DD, YYYY")
Updating gatsby-node.js
Next, I had to use that template file I just created, and generate some static pages for each partial listing of blog posts. In essence, this was basically the same thing as querying for all of the blog posts to create those pages - but I only needed the count. So, I created a separate method to grab the template, and made a simple GraphQL query to grab the total count of posts:
allMarkdownRemark {
Using this, I could see how many pages would be needed by doing a Math.ceil
and dividing the count of pages by how many posts per page I wanted. That ended up being pretty simple, as did adding next/previous links to browse between the pages - just making sure I wasn’t at the beginning (for previous) or end (for next).
Finally, I added an extra createPage
call for the first page, with a route of '/'
, and deleted the index.tsx
file. This made it so that my home page was now the first page of the paginated blog posts.
Wrapping up
With that being done, I went and looked up the Gatsby guide to adding pagination to compare what I did to what is recommended. Overall, it was quite similar - especially the GraphQL changes. However, one important difference I noticed was that their example did not include links between the pages (although it did include the page context to figure it out). I’m pretty happy with the result, and that it was in line with the canonical example.
I’m not sure what I will tackle next, but there are a number of things left to add:
- Making a component of the previous/next buttons (these are in the post listings as well as the post template itself, with minor differences)
- Adding an RSS feed
- Adding support for Dark Mode
In addition, at some point I will be doing write-ups of the books I have been reading lately — Peopleware, The Manager’s Path, Thinking, Fast and Slow, and The Black Swan.